Advanced Style
The meaning of the word advanced: advanced |ədˈvanst| (adjective) far on or ahead in development or progress: negotiations are at an...
France Bans Too Thin Models
Well, I guess someone cares about girls and women. Modeling agencies, not so much. They complained that having an appropriate BMI for...
THE KEEPERS - A Netflix Docuseries
There is a new documentary project on Netflix called The Keepers. It is a 7-part series which explores the unsolved murder of nun Sister...
Literary Women Long Beach
On March 3, 2017 I attended the Literary Women Conference at the Long Beach Convention Center. It was a beautiful event, extremely well...
A world that works for all
This article is in response to a section from Creating a World That Works for All - by Sharif Abdullah. The chapter is WORDS THAT WORK...
Hamilton / Pence / Context
I had been having a conversation with someone on facebook regarding the recent speech by "Aaron Burr" written by Lin Manuel Miranda. He...
Women and Voting
"Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity." These women fought valiantly for the right for women to vote. The following images...
WHO: COMMUNITY LITERATURE INITIATIVE - CLI - is a Los Angeles based non-profit organization focused on teaching writers in the city how...