Literary Women Long Beach
On March 3, 2017 I attended the Literary Women Conference at the Long Beach Convention Center. It was a beautiful event, extremely well thought out and planned. The authors were great and two of them penned two of the books that were on my top ten last year.
The first is Cathleen Schein. She wrote a book entitled They May Not Mean to but They Do. This delicious book follows the relationship of an aging
woman to her family as the family structure changes. Family members come and go in this “coming of age” tale. This time it is the coming of age of the senior in the home. I facilitate a family caregiver group in the city of Long Beach, CA. Schein has a keen insight into what it means to age and what it means to watch one’s parent age. I spoke to her with gratitude telling her she could have been one of the members of our group. It was a great event. he authors penned two of my favorite books from last year.
The second was Roxanne Gay. She is the author of Bad Feminist and Difficult Women. She is a monster craftswoman. She speaks with clarity and authority and I feel safe in her very feminist hands. I feel protected, in a sense, in that she understands what it is to be a woman, and more importantly, what it means to be a woman in America. In her case she is an African-American woman who is also tall and brings an imposing air. I am in awe of her willingness to speak so boldly, something I try to do in my own writing.
By the way...if you are interested in getting support regarding your involvement in caring for your loved one in the home or in a facility or long distance, feel free to join us. We meet the third Thursday of every month at 129 W. 5th St., Long Beach, CA 90803.
Go to Skills4Care: A facebook page dedicated to caring for the caregiver. There is more information there and updates for the upcoming meetings.