Day #15 of 21 Days to Disciplined Writing

Good Morning!
What's for breakfast, Carol Anne?
If you are a grits person, do you prefer sugar or salt/pepper?
There has been a long standing debate on the preference in flavored grits.
Today, write a persuasive letter, poem, or story on why grits should be seasoned with sugar, salt, pepper, or with nothing at all. If you do not like grits, write a persuasive letter on why grits should be eliminated from the face of the earth.
Persuade me.
Wow…grits. Only salt and pepper?
Listen up. Grits is the food of the gods. If Zeus were to choose a food he would have chosen grits, with butter, salt, and pepper. If Hera were to cook a food for her randy husband, she would have made him grits with butter, salt, and pepper. Then our randy god Zeus would have grabbed the dedicated Hera and sunk his face into her neck like a supplicant begging her for more.
When I lived in Kissimee, Florida I worked at a buffet in the largest, at that time, hotel at the entrance to Disneyworld. It wasn’t in the park, it was at the mouth of the park. Anyway, they made grits every day and on the buffet, now wait a minute for it, roll the drums, they had the best red-eye gravy I have ever eaten from and til that time. The cook was from Jamaica and she simmered that pork sausage, covered it in milk and what not, (I never learned how to make it) and we would take a scoop of grits and pour that red-eye gravy all over it. Oh my goodness. This little Polish girl from New Jersey had found a slice of heaven she had never known before. Now how on earth are you going to put red-eye gravy all over sugared grits?
I lived in North Carolina for a few months. (Beginning to see a trend here?) My sister and I went to dinner and on the menu was Shrimp and Grits. The shrimp was sautéed in olive oil with garlic and onions and mushrooms. That may ruin it for some but I love the texture of mushrooms, meaty and earthy. The chef poured that concoction over a plate of cheesy grits with plenty of butter and salt and pepper. This was truly a meal for the gods. Remember Zeus? And again I say, how you gonna pour a pan of sautéed shrimp over a pile of sugared grits? That is sheer blasphemy!
I was travelling across the country and needing a fix of good grits. Went to a small diner in Arkansas and knew that my yearning would be fixed. Grits, sausage, eggs and biscuits. Oh my goodness. Heaven on earth.
The texture of grits is one of the things that makes it so important as a breakfast food. You want that hearty, chewy texture. When you add it to sausage and eggs, or even bacon, or pour a red-eye gravy over it or sautéed shrimp with garlic and olive oil, the texture of the grits holds the other foods in your mouth. Grits is a celebration of the corn without having to bite the kernels off of the cob. If you add milk and sugar grits become more like farina or cream of rice or wheat. Why would you mess with grits adding sugar and milk to make it soupy. You want that toothy, chewy texture. You want your tongue to wrap itself around the grits. You want to ensure the grits wrap themselves around the foods you enjoy.
I have adopted several foods into my diet from regions around the country but grits is the one that has stayed with me through all my travels. I love grits. Where’s the best place to get them around here? Huh? Don’t be keeping that from me. Breakfast here I come!
Namaste’ y’all